Security podcasts tips

To keep up with the security information flow, I am following a bunch of great bloggers, I read up on security issues using twitter where I follow great security people/researchers. I use feedly to get a message when a blog I follow has a new post. I try to read three blog posts a day. The security area is wide and complex and you have to be up to date in what's new all the time.
Not that long ago (1 year? 2 at most?) big security vulnerabilities got cool logos and names like poodle, heart bleed, drown, shell shock and so forth and so on. Now a days we experience so many vulnerabilities that nobody even bothers making logos and names even to quite big vulnerabilities.
With all these vulnerabilities and security revelations , how do you cope with it all? I'll share some of my podcasts list at the bottom of the blogpost.
Podcasts, isn't that soooo early 2000?
I spend 2 hours a day travelling back and forth from work. I have tried to be effective to use this time to read blog posts and follow up on twitter on the latest security news with some success. However I have discovered that several great security people have podcasts where they have great discussions with other great security people. I was blown away with how perfect it was for me to sit on my way to and from work listening to the security news with great sound and content quality.
My security podcast list
I am sure there are a lot of great security podcasts other than the ones I am following, and I would love to get tips from you on other good security podcasts. I'll update the post as I find more good podcasts so you can bookmark it! Here are the list (podcasts listed in no particular order) with links to itunes:
- SANS Internet Storm Center Daily Network Security Podcast
- The Charles Tendell Show
- Smashing Security
- Brakeing Down Security Podcast
- The Threatpost Podcast
- Security Now
- Risky.Biz
- The Cyber Jungle
- Advanced Persistent Security
- Risk Roundup
- Application Security Podcast
- DevelopSec: Developing Security Awareness
- Data Driven Security
- Paul's Security Weekly
- Exploring Information Security
- Defensive Security Podcast
- Troy Hunt's Weekly Update Podcast
- Threat Wire (Video)
- HakTip (Video)
- Hak5 (Video)
- Cigital >> The Silver Bullet Security Podcast
- 2 Minute CyberSecurity Briefing
- The Social-Engeneer Podcast
As promised I have added recommended security podcasts from readers, and will continue doing so:
- Entrepise Security Weekly - Thanks to @mrtn9
- Startup Security Weekly - Thanks to @mrtn9
- Down The Security Rabbit Hole - Thanks to @mrtn9
- Source Code Podcast - Thanks to @mrtn9